Farming in Vietnam

Farming in Vietnam

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Awesome Foursome

Posted By: Marie

The Awesome Foursome:

We are quite a dynamic group with links and connections in all sorts of ways:

   Jenny                                      Shelley

Chris                                              Marie


* Jenny is Shelley's mother

* Chris and Shelley are first cousins

* Jenny is Chris' aunty

* Chris, Shelley and Marie all started grade 1 primary school together in Geraldton (WA)

* Shelley and Marie lived 6 doors down from each other from 1978 to about 1986

* Jenny used to give Marie a lift home from school very regularly

* Chris and Marie were bridesmaids for each other
* Chris and Marie both have parents called Bernard and Shirley
* Chris and Marie were bridesmaids for each other
* Chris and Marie's brothers were great mates too
* Marie is Godmother to Chris's goreous son Tom
We are all just the best of friends (life long friends), a timeless, easy friendship

So here we are, just short of two weeks til fly out day and I can barely contain my excitement!!



  1. Chris and Marie both have parents called Bernard and Shirley!
    Chris and Maries brothers were great mates too

    1. MLD Reply - I'm going to update this post and add these points in!!
