The Scoot plane finally boarded nearly on time and we joined the queue in full confidence that we’d be sitting the in the quiet zone with our extra super extended leg room seats.
Row 31, seats A, B & C. We passed the fairly empty red seats of Business Class…… we passed the fairly empty yellow seats of the quiet zone….. and as we passed the next curtain and into the mass area of economy - there was row 31. The very first row, with yellow seats in a sea of purple economy. They were like an after thought installed on the wrong side of the curtain. We scanned the crowd of young children and
Marie said, “This ain’t no quite zone!”
An official looking lady walked by helping people to their seats and we jumped on her - “excuse me”, we say. “Um…. we booked seats in the quiet zone with extended leg room and this is where we’ve been placed.” She grabbed her two way radio from her hip holster quicker than quick draw McGraw and got the ball rolling for us to move to any of the plethora empty seats in the yellow zone. There seemed to be a lot of conversation between the pilot and the head cabin steward who didn’t seem happy to talk to us directly - even though we were right there in front of her. She squeezed past us to tell the first official lady that we could have the seats that we should have originally been assigned to in the first place!
Seeing as though the plane had been delayed and we would now be flying into the wee early hours of tomorrow, we asked the tight bun girl at the check in ‘service’ counter if there was a possibly to upgrade to Business Class knowing that we’d all want to sleep. “No” was her answer, “Plane’s full” So you can understand our surprise and head shaking disbelief when we walked through the Bisso Class section and it was half empty!
I told the nice, helpful lady that we had enquired about an upgrade but were told it was full. She asked who we’d spoken to at check in and we described the girl - slicked hair, high bun, face like a cat’s bum. Nice lady rolled her eyes and sigh deeply saying “oh dear” I did suggest that as a gesture of good will, she should probably just put us up there and she pretended that she hadn’t heard me and disembarked the plane.
On Scoot, just FYI you need to prebook EVERYTHING - even blankets and pillows and you have to buy them for $15, cause you want to cart a blanket around South East Asia!
So, we sat, cold in our quiet zone (and it really was quiet) with our extended leg room (thank goodness we weren’t taller!)
(honestly, I don’t know why they wouldn’t let us into Business Class!)
and tried to sleep upright....
and face down.....
Some of us had more success than others!
Touch down in Singapore at 3.30am….. that’s right - A.M.! We had thought ahead and purchased a “Scoot Thru” which means that you can avoid customs and immigration and just go to the transfer desk to get your next boarding pass. We also booked a room at the Transit Hotel, thinking we were going to have a good 7 hours sleep there….. but when we didn’t arrive until 3.30am that meant that once we got our boarding passes and made our way to the hotel, filled in the registration card (eyes were hanging out of our heads - so who knows what information was given!) there was only 2.5 hours left to get some sleep in before our next flight.
You have never seen 3 people get into bed and turn the light off so fast before in your life. Usually it takes me a about 10-15 seconds to go to sleep and I reckon I was out in 4! We woke 2 hours later feeling refreshed and looking fabulous!
(looking quite refreshed I think!)
Now when Marie said that she had booked us on Scoot and Tiger, we were initially a little concerned. Not that I’d had a particularly bad experience on Tiger and I’d never flown Scoot before, but you hear stories. When our Scoot plane was delayed and the palaver that ensued with our seats etc….. it didn’t heighten our confidence in what Tiger might bring to the party…… but I am happy to announce that Tiger have exceeded all my expectations. The check in was not only easy, but the friendly lady gave us good seats and kept another row free so we could spread out - and spread out we did!
(Bless her - she wasn't taking those socks and sandals off - not matter the comfort level!)
The cabin crew were super happy and friendly, the plane was on time and it got us to our scheduled destination. Really, that’s all you want from an airline. Well done Tiger. Well done!
Now all we need to do is wait until me Jenny arrives on her flight from Melbourne tonight and we can get started.
Well done Tiger.
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